Reopening of Whitworth Leisure Centre's Community-Run Pool in Rossendale, Concept art for illustrative purpose - Monok

Reopening of Whitworth Leisure Centre’s community-run pool in Rossendale

The much-loved community swimming pool at Whitworth Leisure Centre in Rossendale, which faced the threat of closure last year, will welcome visitors again in August.

Last year, Whitworth Leisure Centre’s ownership was transferred from Rossendale Council to a not-for-profit community interest company. The centre, which features a pool and gym facilities, serves the Whitworth community and local schools. It also caters to nearby communities across the borough boundary in Rochdale.

Prior to the pandemic, Whitworth Leisure Centre was managed by Rossendale Leisure Trust, a charity organisation that oversees council-owned leisure centres. In the years leading up to the transfer, repair and maintenance issues and their associated costs were frequently discussed at Rossendale Council meetings.

At the latest full council meeting, Councillor Alan Neal provided an update on Whitworth Leisure Centre CIC’s progress. He said that repairs are underway, the refilled swimming pool is not leaking, and the centre aims to reopen by the end of August.

Community action and future plans

Last summer, Rossendale Borough Council closed the leisure centre following financial recommendations from independent advisers Grant Thornton. Protests ensued as local residents and community members rallied against the closure plan of their beloved centre, citing concerns over the loss of swimming lessons for schoolchildren and overall health and social opportunities.

The Rossendale community also highlighted how higher proportions of council budgets are dedicated towards statutory services, potentially impacting sport and leisure offerings.

As a result, the Whitworth Leisure Centre Community Interest Company was established and took over the running of the facility. Whitworth Town Council has supported this initiative by providing funding and resources.

Since taking possession of the centre, volunteers have worked tirelessly to bring it back to life. A crowdfunding campaign was launched to generate financial support for the ongoing renovations.

The change in ownership came following Rossendale Council’s decision to close the Whitworth Centre due to a pressing budget deficit that could put both the council and the Rossendale Leisure Trust at significant financial risk.

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